
Recruitment of various post in SOLAR ENERGY CORPORATION OF INDIA

Alzyo | Saturday 29 October 2022


(A Government of India Enterprise)

SECI invites applications for various position of Young Professional from talented, innovative and dynamic candidates who are keen to demonstrate their proven academic, credential, professional achievements. Details of the same are given below:

25.11.2022 (5:00 P.M).

Terms and Conditions for induction of Young Professionals in the Solar
Energy Corporation of India Limited

1.Contractual terms and conditions

1.1.       Legal Status: The Young Professional shall have the legal status of an independent Consultant vis-a-vis, SECI and shall not be regarded, for any purposes, as being either a “staff Member” of SECI, an “official” of SECI. Accordingly, nothing with or relating to the Contract shall establish the relationship of employer and employee, or of principal and agent, between SECI and the Young Professional. 

1.2.Standards of Conduct:

1.2.1.    In general, the Young Professional shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any authority external to SECI in connection with the performance of the obligations under the Contract. The Young Professional shall not take any action in respect of the performance of the  Contract  or otherwise  related  to  his/her  obligations  under  the Contract that may adversely affect interests of SECI, and the Young Professional shall perform his/her obligations under the Contract with the fullest regard to the interest of SECI. In the performance of the Contract the Young Professional shall comply with the standards of Conduct. Failure to comply with the same is ground for termination of the Contract.

1.2.2.Prohibition of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: In the performance of the Contract, the Young Professional shall comply with the “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013”. The Young Professional acknowledges and agrees that any breach of any of the provisions hereof shall constitute a breach of an essential term of the Contract, and, in addition to any other legal rights or remedies available to any person, shall give rise to grounds for termination of the Contract.

1.3.Title Rights, Copyrights, Patents and Other Proprietary Rights: Title to any equipment and supplies that may be furnished by SECI to the Young Professional for the performance of any obligations under the Contracts shall rest with SECI and any such equipment shall be returned to SECI at the conclusion of the Contract or when no longer needed by the Young Professional. Such equipment, when returned to SECI shall be in the same condition as when delivered to the Young Professional, subject to normal wear and tear, and the Young Professional shall be liable to compensate SECI for any damage or degradation of the equipment that is beyond normal wear and tear. The Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited shall be entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights. Including, but not limited to patents, copyrights and trademarks, etc. with regard to any products, processes, innovative ideas, know–how documents and other material which the young professional has developed for the SECI under the contract and which bears a direct relation to or are produced or prepared or collected in consequence of, or during the course of, the performance of the contract. Subject to the foregoing provisions, all documents, works, etc. compiled or received by the young professional under the contract shall be the property of the SECI.

1.4.Confidential Nature of Documents and Information: The Young Professional would be subject to the provisions of the Indian Official Secrets Act, 1923. The Young Professional shall not, except with the previous sanction of SECI or in the bona fide discharge of his or her duties, publish a book or a compilation of articles or participate in radio broadcast or contribute an article or write a letter in any newspaper or periodical either in his or her own name 

or anonymously or pseudonymously in the name of any other person. if such book, article, broadcast or letter relates to subject matter assigned to him/her by SECI.

1.5.Use of Name, Logo or Official Seal of SECI: Young Professional shall not advertise or otherwise make public for purposes of commercial advantage that he/her has a contractual relationship with SECI, nor shall the Young Professional, in any manner whatsoever use the name, logo or official seal of SECI, or any abbreviation of the name of SECI in connection with any business or otherwise without the written permission of SECI.

1.6. Travel, Medical Clearance and Service Incurred Death, Injury or

1.6.1.SECI may require the Young Professional to submit a Statement of Good Health from a recognised physician prior to commencement of work in any offices or premises of SECI.

1.6.2. In the event of the death, injury or illness of the Young Professional which is attributable to the performance of services on behalf  of SECI  under the  terms  of  the  Contract  while  the  Young Professional is traveling at SECI expense or is performing any services under The Contract in any office or premise of SECI or Government of India, the Young Professional or the Young Professional's dependents, as appropriate, shall not be entitled to any compensation.

1.7.Termination: SECI can terminate the contract at any time without prior notice and without providing any reason for it. However, in the normal course it will provide one month’s notice to the individual Young Professional. The individual Young Professional can also seek for termination of the Contract upon giving one month’s notice to the SECI.

1.8. Arbitration: Any dispute, controversy or claim between the parties arising out of the Contract, or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof, unless settled amicably, as provided above, shall be referred by either of the parties to the Managing Director/ SECI for arbitration. If needed MD may appoint an arbitrator for the settlement of the controversy.

1.9.Conflict of Interest: The individual Young Professional shall be expected to follow all the Rules and Regulations of SECI which are in force. He/she will be expected to display utmost honesty, secrecy of office, and sincerity while discharging his/her duties. In case, the services of the individual Young Professional are not found satisfactory or found in conflict with the interests of the SECI or Govt. of India, his/her services will be liable for discontinuation without assigning any reason.

2.    General Terms & Conditions

2.1.    Period of Induction: The period of induction is proposed to be initially for one year and maximum of three years; continuation beyond first and subsequent year to be contingent on satisfactory annual performance review 

and as per the functional need of SECI. There will be no extension beyond third year.

2.2.     The appointment of individual YPs would be temporary nature.

2.3.    The Young Professionals will be appointed on full-time basis and would not be permitted to take up any other assignment during the period of consultancy with SECI.

3.    Age Limit and Remuneration:

3.3.       Age: Not exceeding 30 years on the date of closing of advertisement.

3.4.       Remuneration: The remuneration to these Professionals is proposed to be consolidated fixed amount of Rs. 70,000/- per month for first year, Rs.

75,000/- per month for second year, and Rs. 80,000/- per month for third year, for candidates who opt for three-year induction. The consolidated remuneration will be inclusive of all applicable taxes. No allowances such as Dearness Allowance. House Rent Allowance, Residential Telephone. CGHS, Medical Reimbursements etc. are admissible.

4.     Admissibility of TA/DA: No  TA  DA shall  be  admissible  for  joining  the assignment or on its completion. The Young Professional may require to undertake domestic tours subject to approval of the Competent Authority and they will be allowed following TA/DA:

Mode            of
Reimbursement of Hotel, Taxi and Travelling Allowance

Air in Economy Class or by rail AC in Tier-II Hotel Accommodation of up to Rs. 6000/- per day in X Class cities; Rs 4800/- per day in Y Class cities & Rs 3600/- per day in Z Class cities;
Taxi Charges of up to Rs. 3000/- per week for travel within the city and Travelling Allowance of Rs. 800/- per day shall be allowed.

5. Selection Process: The selection of Young Professional shall be as follows:
5.1.       The selection of Young Professionals will be as per approval of Board of SECI for engagement of consultants.
5.2.      The requirement of SECI will be advertised on its website as well as in at least one national newspaper in Hindi & English.
5.3.       All applications received in response to the advertisement will be scrutinized and shortlisted by approved Committee constituted for this purpose.
5.4.     The  shortlisted  candidates  shall  appear  for  Interview  before  a
Committee constituted for this purpose.

6.  Payment: The payment will be released by SECI after completion of the month based on the biometric attendance registered by the Young Professional. 

7.  Leave: The Young Professionals shall be eligible for 12 days leave for induction period of one year on pro-rata basis. Therefore, he/she shall not draw any remuneration in case of his/her absence beyond 12 days in a year (calculated on a pro-rata basis). Also, un-availed leaves in a calendar year cannot be carried forward to next calendar year. This company would be free to terminate the contract in case of absence of a Young Professional by more than 15 days without prior intimation beyond the entitled leave in a calendar year.

8.  Tax Deduction at Source: The Income Tax or any other tax liable to be deducted, as per the prevailing rules will be deducted at source before effecting the payment for which SECI will issue TDS Certificate(s). Goods and Services Tax, as applicable, shall be admissible to the Young Professionals. SECI undertakes no liability for taxes or other contribution payable by the Young Professional on payments made under this Contract.

9.  Police Verification: Police Verification of the Young Professionals shall be done as per the policy of SECI. In case the police verification is received as adverse, the Contract of the Young Professional shall cease to exist with immediate effect without any notice.

10. Relaxation: Where the Managing Director /SECI would be of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these terms & conditions.

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